Establishing a data protection environment

After you sign in to HYCU for AWS, you must establish a data protection environment in which data will be effectively protected.


Keep in mind that the role you have assigned determines what kind of actions you can perform. For details on roles, see “Managing roles”.

If you have the Administrator role assigned, you can switch between the Subscription and Protection set contexts. Depending on the scope of the tasks that you want to perform, click next to the name of the currently selected context to switch to another one. The Subscription context enables you to perform administration tasks related to the selected subscription such as adding identity providers, adding or removing users, and changing roles, whereas the Protection set context enables you to perform data protection tasks related to the selected protection set. See “Managing identity and access” and “Managing protection sets” for details.


Establishing a data protection environment involves the following tasks:

Task Instructions

1.  Add AWS accounts to HYCU for AWS.

“Managing sources”

2.  Only if you plan to use multiple protection sets. Configure a protection set and select it.

“Managing protection sets” and “Selecting a HYCU for AWS protection set”

3.  Only if you plan to use manually created targets. Add Amazon S3 buckets to HYCU for AWS as targets.

“Setting up targets”

4.  Decide for predefined policies or create custom ones.

“Defining your backup strategy”

5.  Required only in special data protection scenarios. Configure credential groups and assign them to instances.

“Enabling access to data”

After the data protection environment is established, data protection can be accomplished in several ways to fulfill your particular business needs.