Restoring instances

HYCU for AWS enables you to restore an entire instance or its individual volumes to a specific point in time.


Only one restore task can run at the same time for the instance.

When you restore an instance or its volumes, you can select among the following restore options:

Restore option Description Instructions
Restore Instance Enables you to restore an instance and its volumes to the original location with the same settings.

“Restoring an instance”

Clone Instance Enables you to restore an instance and its volumes by creating a clone of the instance.

“Cloning an instance”

Restore Volumes Enables you to restore instance volumes and attach them to the same instance. “Restoring volumes”
Clone Volumes Enables you to restore instance volumes by creating their clones and attaching them to the same or a different instance. “Cloning volumes”
Export Volumes Enables you to restore instance volumes to the same or a different account or zone without attaching them to an instance. “Exporting volumes”

Restoring an instance

You can restore an instance and its volumes to the original location with the same settings. In this case, you replace the original instance with the restored one.


Any data changes after the last successful backup are not protected and therefore cannot be restored.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance that you want to restore to open the Details section.

    n Note  The Details section appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance does not open the Details section.

  2. In the Details section that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the desired restore point.

  3. Click  Restore Instance. The Restore Options dialog box opens.

  4. Select Restore Instance, and then click Next.

  5. From the Restore from drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

    • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest and most cost-effective restore.

    • Backup (Snapshot)

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive — (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  6. From the Volumes drop-down menu, select the instance volumes that you want to restore.

    n Note  All volumes of the instance are preselected for the restore. With such selection, the entire instance is restored. The boot volume is restored even if you do not select it.

  7. Click Restore.

Cloning an instance

You can clone an instance by restoring it to its original or a new location with custom settings. In this case, you create a new instance containing the restored data alongside the original instance. When cloning an instance, you can change the following properties: the selection of the backed up volumes, the destination account, region, and zone, and the instance network configuration.


You cannot restore instances that belong to a deleted AWS account. Such instances are not listed in the Instances panel of the HYCU for AWS web user interface.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance that you want to restore to open the Details section.

    n Note  The Details section appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance will not open the Details section.

  2. In the Details section that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the desired restore point.

  3. Click  Restore Instance. The Restore Options dialog box opens.

  4. Select Clone Instance, and then click Next.

  5. In the New instance name field, specify a new name for the instance.

  6. From the Restore from drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

    • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest and most cost-effective restore.

    • Backup (Snapshot)

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive — (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  7. Only if the original operating system image was not found. From the Image drop-down menu, select the operating system image you want to use.

    To use a custom image, enable the Use custom image switch and enter the image AMI ID.

  8. From the Destination account ID drop-down menu, select the account ID to which you want to restore the instance. The original account ID of the instance is preselected. You can choose from account IDs that belong to the currently selected protection set and that your user account can access.
  9. From the Destination region and Destination zone drop-down menus, select the AWS region and zone to which you want to restore the instance. The original region and zone of the instance are preselected.

  10. Under Volume name, do the following:

    1. Select the instance volumes that you want to restore.

      n Note  All volumes of the instance are preselected for the restore. With such selection, the entire instance is restored. The boot volume is restored even if you do not select it.

    2. Edit the volumes as required. For each selected volumes, do the following:

      1. Click  Edit Volume.

      2. Only if you do not want HYCU for AWS to automatically generate a name for the restored volume device or volume . Do the following:

        1. In the New device name field, enter a name for the restored volume device.

        2. In the New volume name, enter a name for the restored volume.

      3. If you want to change the volume type, from the Volume type drop-down menu, select one of the available volume types for the restored volume. By default, the original volume type is selected.

        The list shows only the volume types that match the required volume size and can include the following volume types: General Purpose SSD, Previous Generation Volume, and/or Provisioned IOPS SSD.

        If you selected Provisioned IOPS SSD or General Purpose SSD, enter the IOPS number.

      4. If you want to add labels to the restored volume, click Add Tags, enter a key and a value, and then click Add for each label that you want to add.

        n Note  If the selected volume already has one or more labels added, they are listed under Labels. If you want to delete any of the added labels, clickxnext to it.

      5. Click Save.

  11. Under Network interfaces, review the list of networks that the original instance was configured in at the time of backup. The list shows the following for each such network:

    • VPC ID

    • Subnet ID

    For each configured network interface, you can separately adjust its public and private IP address types. By default, the public IP address configuration of the original instance is kept.

  12. If you want to add tags to the restored instance, click Add Tags and then for each that you want to add enter a key and a value, and then click Add.

    n Note  If the selected instance already has one or more tags added, they are listed under Custom metadata. If you want to delete any of the added tags, clickxnext to it.

  13. Click Validate to validate the restore specification.

  14. Click Restore.

Restoring volumes

You can restore instance volumes and attach them to the same instance. In this case, you replace the original volumes with the restored ones.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance whose volumes you want to restore to open the Details section.

    n Note  The Details section appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance will not open the Details section.

  2. In the Details section that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the desired restore point.
  3. Click  Restore Instance. The Restore Options dialog box opens.
  4. Select Restore Volumes, and then click Next.
  5. From the list of volumes that are available for the restore, select the ones that you want to restore, and then click Next.

    n Note  If you select the boot volume, the instance will be shut down and restarted when the

    1. Click Validate to validate the restore specification.

    volumes are restored.

  6. From the Restore from drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

    • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest and most cost-effective restore.

    • Backup (Snapshot)

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive — (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  7. Click Validate to validate the restore specification.

  8. Click Restore.

Cloning volumes

You can create clones of instance volumes by restoring them and attaching them to the same or a different instance. In this case, the original volumes will not be overwritten.


You can attach the restored volumes only to an instance that is running the same operating system as the original instance and that belongs to the same protection set as the original instance.


For details on how the restored volumes are named, see “Appendix A: Objects created by the service”.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance whose volumes you want to restore to open the Details section.

    n Note  The Details section appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance will not open the Details section.

  2. In the Details section that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the desired restore point.
  3. Click  Restore Instance. The Restore Options dialog box opens.
  4. Select Clone Volumes, and then click Next.
  5. From the list of volumes that are available for the restore, select the ones that you want to restore, and then click Next.
  6. From the Restore from drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

    • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest and most cost-effective restore.

    • Backup (Snapshot)

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive — (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  7. Select the account and the zone that contain the instance to which you want to attach the restored volumes, and then select the instance to which you want to attach the restored volumes.

  8. Edit the volumes as required. For each selected volumes, do the following:

    1. Click  Edit Volume.

    2. Only if you do not want HYCU for AWS to automatically generate a name for the restored volume device or volume . Do the following:

      1. In the New device name field, enter a name for the restored volume device.

      2. In the New volume name, enter a name for the restored volume.

    3. If you want to change the volume type, from the Volume type drop-down menu, select one of the available volume types for the restored volume. By default, the original volume type is selected.

      The list shows only the volume types that match the required volume size and can include the following volume types: General Purpose SSD, Previous Generation Volume, and/or Provisioned IOPS SSD.

      If you selected Provisioned IOPS SSD or General Purpose SSD, enter the IOPS number.

    4. If you want to add labels to the restored volume, click Add Tags, enter a key and a value, and then click Add for each label that you want to add.

      n Note  If the selected volume already has one or more labels added, they are listed under Labels. If you want to delete any of the added labels, clickxnext to it.

    5. Click Save.
  9. Click Validate to validate the restore specification.

  10. Click Restore.

Exporting volumes

You can export instance volumes by restoring them to the same or a different account or zone. In this case, the volumes will not be attached to any instance.


Only if you plan to restore volumes to a different account . The default network must be set for the account to which you plan to restore volumes, or the account to which you plan to restore volumes must have the same network as the instance whose volumes you plan to restore.


For details on how the restored volumes are named, see “Appendix A: Objects created by the service”.


  1. In the Instances panel, click the instance whose volumes you want to restore to open the Details section.

    n Note  The Details section appears only if you click an instance. Selecting the check box before the name of the instance will not open the Details section.

  2. In the Details section that appears at the bottom of the screen, select the desired restore point.
  3. Click  Restore Instance. The Restore Options dialog box opens.
  4. Select Export Volumes, and then click Next.
  5. From the list of volumes that are available for the restore, select the ones that you want to restore, and then click Next.
  6. From the Restore from drop-down menu, select which tier you want to use for the restore. Your restore point can contain one or more tiers among which you can select:

    • Automatic: This option ensures the fastest and most cost-effective restore.

    • Backup (Snapshot)

    • Backup (Target)

    • Copy

    • Archive — (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

  7. From the Target account ID drop-down menu, select the account to which you want to restore the volumes. You can choose from the accounts that belong to the currently selected protection set.

  8. From the Target region and Target zone drop-down menus, select the AWS region and zone to which you want to restore the volumes.

  9. Edit the volumes as required. For each selected volumes, do the following:

    1. Click  Edit Volume.

    2. Only if you do not want HYCU for AWS to automatically generate a name for the restored volume device or volume . Do the following:

      1. In the New device name field, enter a name for the restored volume device.

      2. In the New volume name, enter a name for the restored volume.

    3. If you want to change the volume type, from the Volume type drop-down menu, select one of the available volume types for the restored volume. By default, the original volume type is selected.

      The list shows only the volume types that match the required volume size and can include the following volume types: General Purpose SSD, Previous Generation Volume, and/or Provisioned IOPS SSD.

      If you selected Provisioned IOPS SSD or General Purpose SSD, enter the IOPS number.

    4. If you want to add labels to the restored volume, click Add Tags, enter a key and a value, and then click Add for each label that you want to add.

      n Note  If the selected volume already has one or more labels added, they are listed under Labels. If you want to delete any of the added labels, clickxnext to it.

    5. Click Save.
  10. Click Validate to validate the restore specification.

  11. Click Restore.