Filtering and sorting data in panels

HYCU for AWS enables you to filter data in the panels so you can easily find what you need. Each panel contains different filtering options and it can display only the entries that meet the specified filter criteria. For example, filtering the data in the Instances panel helps you to focus only on the instances that you are interested in. In addition, you can sort displayed items in ascending or descending order based on an alphabetical value or a label. For example, sorting data in the Policies panel by the Compliance label helps you easily track non‑compliant policies.

t Tip  After selecting a set of items in the filtered view, you can easily clear the list of selected items by clicking the icon next to the number of displayed items.

Filtering data in panels


  1. Go to the web user interface panel of interest.

  2. Optional. On the left side of the main pane, in the Search field, enter your main filter keyword. Which property can be used as the main filter keyword depends on the panel you are in.

  3. To filter the data set (when no main filter keyword is specified) or filter the resulting data set further, follow the steps:

    1. On the right side of the main pane, click  Filters. The Filters side pane opens.

    2. In the Filters pane, specify your filtering options.

    3. Click Apply Filters.

Depending on the panel the contents of which you want to filter, see one of the following topics for information on the available filtering options:

Filtering options in the Instances panel

You can enter an instance name (or a part of it) as the main filter keyword.

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Filtering option Action
Account ID

From the drop-down menu, select the AWS accounts of interest.

Policy From the drop-down menu, select the policies that are assigned to the instances.
Credential group From the drop-down menu, select the credential groups that are assigned to the instances.
Zone From the drop-down menu, select the Amazon EC2 instance zones.

Select one or more options to filter by the compliance status:

  • Success: The instance is compliant.

  • Failure: The instance is not compliant.

  • Undefined: The exclude policy is assigned to the instance, or the instance does not have a policy assigned.


Select one or more options to filter by the protection status:

  • Yes: The instance is protected.

  • No: The instance is not protected.

  • Deleted: The instance no longer exists, but at least one of its backup images does.


Select one or more options to filter by the instance discovery status:

  • Success: Connection to the instance was established (as part of checking the connectivity after assigning a credential group to the instance, selecting the Enable restore of individual files option, or specifying the pre‑snapshot or post‑snapshot scripts).

  • Failure: The instance could not be connected to.

  • Warning: The account has moved to another protection set.

  • Undefined: Connectivity to the instance has not been checked.

Filtering options in the Buckets panel

You can enter a bucket name (or a part of it) as the main filter keyword.

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Account ID

From the drop-down menu, select the s to which the buckets that you want to filter belong.

Policy From the drop-down menu, select the policies that are assigned to the buckets.
Location From the drop-down menu, select the Amazon S3 location of the buckets.

Select one or more options to filter by the compliance status:

  • Success: The bucket is compliant.

  • Failure: The bucket is not compliant.

  • Undefined: The exclude policy is assigned to the bucket or the bucket does not have a policy assigned.


Select one or more options to filter by the protection status:

  • Yes: The bucket is protected.

  • No: The bucket is not protected.

  • Deleted: The bucket is deleted or the status of the bucket is PROTECTED_DELETED.

Filtering options in the Policies panel

You can enter a policy name (or a part of it) as the main filter keyword.

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Filtering option Action

Select one or more options to filter by the compliance status:

  • Success: All instances or buckets to which the policy is assigned are compliant.

  • Failure: Not all instances or buckets to which the policy is assigned are compliant.

  • Undefined: The policy is not assigned to any instance or bucket, or this is the exclude policy.

Filtering options in the Targets panel

You can enter a target name (or a part of it) as the main filter keyword.

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Filtering option Action
Storage class

Select one or more options to filter by the AWS S3 storage class:

  • S3 Standard

  • S3 Intelligent-Tiering

  • S3 Standard-IA

  • S3 One Zone-IA

  • S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval

  • S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval

  • S3 Glacier Deep Archive


Select one or more options to filter by the status of the target:

  • Ok

  • Warning

  • Error

  • Undefined

Filtering options in the Tasks panel

You can enter a task description (or a part of it) or a task ID as the main filter keyword.

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Filtering option Action
Account ID

From the drop-down menu, select the AWS accounts of interest.


From the drop-down menu, select items to filter the list to include only the tasks started by any of the selected user accounts.

Type From the drop-down menu, select one or more items to filter the list to include only the selected task types.

Select one or more options to filter by the status of the task:

  • Ready

  • Running

  • Aborting

  • Aborted

  • Done

  • Failed

  • Done with errors

  • Done with warnings

  • Skipped

Time range Specify a time range to limit your search for tasks. You can select one of the predefined time ranges (Last 1 hour, Last 24 hours, or Last week), or use the calendar to select a start date and hour and an end date and hour of the time range for tasks to be displayed.

Filtering options in the Events panel

You can enter a text string as the main filter keyword.

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Filtering option Action
Account ID

From the drop-down menu, select the AWS accounts of interest.


From the drop-down menu, select items to filter the list to include only the selected event categories.


From the drop-down menu, select items to filter the list to include only the events resulting from the selected user account actions.


Select one or more options to filter by the event severity:

  • Success

  • Warning

  • Failed

Time range Specify a time range to limit your search for events. You can select one of the predefined time ranges (Last 1 hour, Last 24 hours, or Last week), or use the calendar to select a start date and hour and an end date and hour of the time range for events to be displayed.

Filtering options in the IAM panel

In the Filters side panel, you can select one or more filtering options:

Filtering option Action

Select one or more options to filter by the type:

  • User
  • Service account.

Select one or more option to filter by status:

  • Active
  • Deactivated

Sorting data in panels


  1. Go to the web user interface panel of interest.

  2. Click the table column heading of the property that you want to sort the data in table rows by.

    The icon appears in the heading cell, indicating that the column data is sorted in ascending order.

  3. Click the column heading again to toggle the sort order.

    The icon appears in the heading cell, indicating that the column data is sorted in descending order.