Viewing events
In the Events panel, you can do the following:
- View all events that occurred in your data protection environment.
Check more details about a specific event in the Details section that appears at the bottom of the screen after you select the event.
t Tip If you click the related task link in the Details section, you are directed to the Tasks panel where you can view more details about the related task.
- List the events that match the specified filter.
Configure HYCU for AWS to send notifications when new events occur in your data protection environment. For details, see “Configuring event notifications”.

To access the Events panel, in the navigation pane, click Events. Alternatively, in the Dashboard panel, click the Events widget title.
The following information is available for each event:
Severity |
Severity level of the event:
Message | Description of the event. |
Category |
Functional area of HYCU for AWS to which the event belongs (for example, Targets, Credentials, Policies, System for an internal event, and so on). |
Timestamp | Event creation date and time. |