Customizing HYCU for AWS

After you subscribe to HYCU for AWS, you can perform various tasks to customize HYCU for AWS for your data protection environment.


Keep in mind that the role you have assigned determines what kind of actions you can perform. For details on roles, see “Managing roles”.

If you have the Administrator role assigned, the scope of tasks you can perform depends on the user interface context you select. You can switch between the following two contexts:

  • Subscription

    In the subscription context, only the IAM panel is active. Use this context to perform administration tasks related to your subscription, such as adding identity providers, adding or removing users, or changing roles

  • Protection set

    In the protection set context, you select the scope of data protection by selecting a specific protection set.


Task Instructions
Manage identity providers, add or remove users and add or remove roles. “Managing identity and access”
Manage HYCU for AWS protection sets. “Managing protection sets”
Add, edit, or remove an from sources. “Managing sources”

Hide instances from HYCU for AWS.

“Excluding instances from synchronization by tagging the instance in AWS”

Stop protecting individual accounts.

“Stopping protection for individual accounts”